Friday, June 13, 2008

Approaching Storm

O.K., so I got off to a slow start with my summer projects! My first project I attempted to tackle consists taking slow shutter speed photos of water movement. I prepare myself for this project two weekends ago buy taking my boat to an area on the Potomac where I could see the sunset. I was about ready to set up my camera when I noticed an approaching storm. Initially, I thought this would be a short summer shower, however the storm kept getting bigger and bigger. When the thunder and lighting combined with the wind started we decided to pack up and head back to the marina. The whole evolution was a little nerve-racking when the storm started to pound down on us. After some tense moments we were able to get back to port. Anyway, I was able to get a shot of the approaching storm before I had to focus on the helm.

This just goes to show, you never know what to expect when your out, so it's always good to have your camera ready to take photos of unexpected events.