Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Basics of Digital Photography

I've been receiving numerous e-mails and phone calls regarding the content of the Basics of Digital Photography class. Typically, my classes consists of equal instruction on basic camera operation, photo taking techniques, post editing process and photo sharing opportunities. The class runs 10 weeks so we cover a vast range of subjects hat give you a basic understanding of digital photography. Our classes consist of 1/2 point and shoot and the other 1/2 entry level digital SLR owners. So, the format is geared more for the beginner but also very useful for the photo enthusiast. Why? Because all of the content is updated with the latest technology, equipment, techniques and trends which is the nature of the digital technology.

We cover a majority of the manual settings. Some students will not have the manual settings, so I have to relate the same manual technique back to a pre-set mode on their automatic camera. We focus on exposure techniques such as shutter speed, aperture and ISO as well as basic camera functions including white balance, file format and size, metering modes, exposure bracketing and focusing. The activities I assign help you familiarize yourself with your camera.

It will be impossible to learn everything in 10 weeks but I want the students to walk away with a good comfort level with their camera's features, motivation to actively take more photos, a good eye for composition, a portfolio that you share with your friends and the photography community and respect for photography. If I can have you viewing your environment through the eyes of a photographer while driving down a road then I've accomplished what I've set out to do.

Visit my Faculty Web Site for more information on this course