Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 6: The Digital Darkroom

This week we started talking about a new aspect of the digital workflow and that is editing. The digital darkroom is similar to the traditional darkroom whereas we can adjust the tonal range, contrast, perform color corrections, use creative filters and dodge and burn items from our images.

There are numerous photo editing s/w packages available on the market at varied prices. For our photo editing workshops in the next two weeks, we will be using Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. At Computer Products For Education, Elements 7 is going for $68. You will need your student ID. If you want to download a trial version, go to the Adobe.com web site where Elements 8 is available. It doesn't matter which version you get.

Below are the two PPT that were used this week. Your assignment this week is to download a trail or purchased version of Elements.

See you next week!

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