Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fireworks at Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving and fireworks!

Well, yes! If your in Myrtle Beach S.C.

Broadway at the Beach has fireworks frequently. While visiting last year during the same timeframe I didn't have a camera. This year even though I was prepared with camera and tripod I experienced several technical problems. First, I didn't have a remote shutter release (forgetting it at home in my other camera bag). Second, the fireworks only lasted 3 minutes and they were not as colorful as remembered. Three minutes of fireworks is not a lot of time to experiment and choose. Finally, I didn't scope out a good enough place to sit my tripod that had an interesting foreground or backdrop element for my fireworks.

I can't stress the importance of having a good foreground and backdrop for your fireworks. Anyone can take photos of fireworks, but composing the scene with an interesting element can make the real difference. Thinking I had a good background, once the fireworks started the crowd gathered in front of my camera and smothered it. First it was a few people, then there was a crowd.
I was forced to start shooting into the sky and avoiding the foreground elements that I had planned on using. Good thing I went with my 28-200 zoom lens and not the 35mm prime. With only 3 minutes of fireworks, I would have wasted valuable time switching lens.

I found that holding the shutter for about 2 seconds seemed to
work the best. I basically just took photos every 2 seconds I hoped for the best. It is difficult to anticipate the fireworks. I left my ISO at 200, my aperture at f10 and focused in a distance where I estimated the fireworks would be exploding. Once I had that all set, I just experimented with different shutter speeds.

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